On this site you will find information related to claims, claim submissions, documents available for download, and pertinent notifications.
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Annual Report

Posted 04/30/2024
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a hearing on the motion to approve Thorpe Insulation Settlement Trust’s Fourteenth Annual Report and Accounting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. before the United States Bankruptcy Court Judge, the Honorable Sheri Bluebond, at the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California, Los Angeles Division, located at 255 East Temple Street, Los Angeles, California 90012 in Courtroom 1539.

Funds Received Ratio

Posted 04/7/2024
Section 4.2 of the Trust Distribution Procedures requires that the Funds Received Ratio be reconsidered no less frequently than once every three years, or upon request.  The Funds Received Ratio was reviewed on April 11, 2024 and will remain at 58.6%.

Indexed Base Case Values for Economic and Medical Loss

Posted 01/23/2024
The new indexed base case values for 2024 are as follows:
Economic Loss Base Case- $284,000
Medical Loss Base Case- $280,000
Assumed Future Medical Loss and Funeral Expenses- $105,353

Physician Request

Posted 01/23/2024
Per the Matrix Section 1 b, medical experts who are not Board-Certified but who meet equivalent medical experience and expertise requirements may be approved by the Trust with consent of the Trust Advisory Committee (“TAC) and Futures Representative upon application by a Claimant. A request was made for Dr. Richard A. Levy to be approved as an equivalent to those of a board-certified occupational medicine physician. The request reviewed at the November 2023 Trustee meeting and was deemed not acceptable to approve Dr. Levy as an equivalent to those of a board-certified occupational medicine physician.

Timing of Requests for Consideration at Trustees’ Meetings

Posted 01/02/2024
Any requests for revisions to Trust policies or procedures, physician certification, modifications to an approved list, and/or Trust Distribution Procedures/Matrix interpretations or questions to be considered during the Trustees’ meeting must be received by the Trust on or before the deadline, listed below.

For requests to be considered at future Trustees’ meetings, the schedule is as follows:

          Trustees’ Meeting                          Deadline for Requests

          February 2024                               Friday, January 12, 2024

          April 2024                                       Friday, March 8, 2024

          September 2024                            Friday, August 9, 2024

          November 2024                            Friday, October 11, 2024